As the end of the Spring semester approaches, we would like to take a moment to share some information about the Disability Services Testing Center during the final exam period. Please review this information carefully.
Exam Schedule:
The University final exams period is May 10th – May 16th. Students are expected to take final exams at the same time as their class unless specific alternative exam dates and/or times are arranged with their professor. Contact [email protected] if you need guidance on addressing scheduling concerns with your professors.
The Disability Services Testing Center will follow the finals schedule below:
Testing Form Submission:
Submit testing forms no less than 48 business hours ahead of the exam. We cannot accommodate same day requests.
Testing forms are available in the Disability Services Testing Center (SUB 1, Room 3313), in Disability Services (SUB 1, Suite 2500), or online here.
TIP: If using a Mac computer for electronic submission, take the testing form out of preview mode before editing and save the document before attaching it to the email.
Submit completed testing forms in-person to the Disability Services Testing Center (SUB 1, Room 3313) or via email to [email protected].
Academic Integrity:
All students taking exams in the Disability Services Testing Center are expected to uphold the GMU Honor Code. The honor statement at the top of the testing form must be signed prior to starting the exam. Any instances of cheating will be reported to both your professor and academic integrity.
Exam Check-in:
Disability Services will utilize an additional spaces (SUB 1, 3600 Conference Room) for final exams check in/out and various rooms in SUB 1 for proctoring spaces. Please follow signs and listen to staff directions to ensure a smooth check in/out process.
Please have the following items ready for check-in:
– Photo ID
– Permitted exam materials
– E.g. pens, pencils, bluebooks, scantrons, approved calculators, etc.
– Confirm allowed testing materials with professors before exam and arrive prepared
The Testing Center provides a reduced distraction environment. Remember it is your responsibility to alert staff should you have a situation that is preventing you from testing so we can work to find a solution as quickly as possible.
“White noise machines” will remain on through all testing spaces to drown out as much noise as possible from within the testing room and from the surrounding areas.
The Testing Center can provide ear plugs or headphones, if requested.
Drinks are permitted. If you must bring a snack with you during testing, please ensure it does not disrupt others.
Disability Services staff will state your exam start time and scheduled end time during your check-in. You could encounter wait time and your testing time will be adjusted accordingly.
Please use the clocks placed in the test spaces to monitor your test time.
Please follow the directives of Disability Services staff if they notify you that testing time is up.
When your testing time ends, return SUB 1 Room 3313 to turn in your exam and then proceed to pick up your belongings in SUB 1 Suite 3600.
All students taking final exams are held accountable to the Testing Policies and Procedures (found here) while testing in the Disability Services Testing Center. Please review these policies as needed.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any further questions or concerns.