Disability Services

Instructor Guides & Resources

Faculty and Staff at George Mason University have the following responsibilities:

  •  Protect Student Confidentiality. Students have the right to privacy and are not expected to disclose their disability to anyone outside of Disability Services. A student’s diagnosis is not included on their Academic Accommodation Letters (AALs). The information on an AAL is confidential and should not be shared with anyone. However, in some cases it would be appropriate to share the AAL with TAs/GA’s whose responsibilities include providing oversight or implementation of the approved accommodations.
  • Include Disability Services and accommodation-related information in all course syllabi.
  • Refer students to Disability Services if they disclose a disability or need for accommodations.
  • Provide access to course materials (e.g., captioned video for deaf/hard of hearing students, web accessibility, accessible course materials). Contact Disability Services or Assistive Technology Initiative for additional resources and assistance.
  • Implement accommodations on AALs. Contact Disability Services immediately to discuss questions or concerns.

Disability Services created the following resources for instructors to support teaching students with disabilities. Please contact us at either ods@gmu.edu or 703.993.2474 if you would like to speak with a staff member.