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Housing Request Process
In an effort to effectively respond to student requests for housing modifications and accommodations, George Mason University has created the Housing Request Committee (HRC). Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis and is reviewed by the HRC where staff from Disability Services consult with Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Housing and Residence Life. Any documentation submitted to support a request should be current and relevant and be from an appropriate professional that describes the current functional impact of the condition or disability as it relates to the housing modification or accommodation requested. The HRC will discuss reasonable modifications or accommodations based on student self-report and observations and interactions during your initial Disability Services meeting. Documentation may be requested from a diagnosing/treating healthcare provider/professional.
Some examples of Housing accommodations we can provide include but are not limited to:
- Wheelchair-accessible room and bathroom
- Single room
- Emotional Support Animal in residence halls/apartments
Students who are requesting Housing Accommodations must complete the following process.
1. Apply for and accept a housing contract through Housing and Residence Life. In order to assist students with housing accommodations, a housing application must be completed and contacts must be accepted with Housing and Residence Life.
2. Complete and submit a Disability Services Intake Form. The intake form is available for completion on our Forms Page. It can be submitted in person or electronically.
3. Complete and submit a Housing Request Form. This can be found on our Forms Page. Students will need to work with their relevant/treating healthcare providers to complete the form in full.
4. Participate in an initial meeting. These meetings are scheduled for 1 hour and involve meeting with Disability Services Specialist to discuss accommodations. The meeting will include a discussion around the housing request(s) as it relates to the impairment, condition, and/or disability and a review/signing of policy forms.
5. Monitor Geroge Mason email for receipt of the Housing Committee’s decision on your request. Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis and is reviewed by a housing committee where staff from Disability Services consult with Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Disability Services will make a determination following a housing committee review of student requests. Following the Committee’s review of documentation, a Disability Services staff member will reach out to share the outcome of the review.
*If a student’s housing selection window opens up prior to their scheduled intake meeting with Disability Services, students are highly encouraged to accept the given contract and self-select a room. Should a student be approved for housing accommodations, Disability Services will work with Housing to determine an appropriate placement.
Recommended Dates
Requests received after the recommended dates will be considered on an as-available basis based on housing availability. Regardless of recommended dates noted, students must apply for Housing and complete the housing application process. Students are encouraged to complete the Housing Accommodation process as soon as possible. Housing is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Transfer students and students new to housing:
If you have been accepted into George Mason University and plan to submit a housing application or are a current off-campus Mason student and plan to apply for housing for the upcoming academic year, please submit a Housing Accommodation Request Form right away. Housing is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once you apply for housing, please notify Disability Services and we will move forward with your Housing Accommodation request. For best consideration, a fully completed Housing Accommodation Request Form should be submitted to Disability Services when you are accepted into George Mason University.
Mason students who have been previously approved for Housing accommodations in a previous academic year:
If you have been approved for a housing accommodation in the previous academic year and your situation and request has not changed, then you will automatically be approved for the same accommodation for the upcoming academic year if you decide to live on campus. If your request and situation has not changed, you will only need to complete the student section of this form. For best consideration, the student section needs to be fully completed and submitted to Disability Services by the 3rd Friday in January.
Recommended Date for current on-campus Mason students making an initial Housing accommodation request:
For best consideration, a fully completed Housing Accommodation Request Form should be submitted to Disability Services by the 3rd Friday in January.
Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) Request Process
In an effort to effectively respond to student requests for housing modifications, accommodations, and Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s), George Mason University has created the Housing Request Committee (HRC) to review such requests. Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis and is reviewed by the HRC where staff from Disability Services consult with Student Health Services, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Housing and Residence Life.
Any documentation submitted to support a request should be current and relevant and be from an appropriate professional that describes the current functional impact of the condition or disability as it relates to the housing modification or accommodation requested. The HRC will discuss reasonable modifications or accommodations as they relate to an ESA based on student self-report and observations and interactions during an initial Disability Services meeting.
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or to promote emotional well-being are not service animals. However, George Mason University recognizes that Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) may be used as part of a treatment plan for individuals with disabilities.
To request an Emotional Support Animal, complete the following process:
1. Review George Mason University Procedure for Requesting ESA in University Housing and Regulations Governing ESAs. This can be found on our Policies and Procedures Page.
2. Complete and submit a Disability Services Intake Form. This intake form is available for completion on our Forms Page. It can be submitted in person or electronically.
3. Complete and submit appropriate documentation from a diagnosing/treating healthcare provider. Students will need to submit Part 1 of the Housing Request Form (if living on campus) and a completed Emotional Support Animal request form, both found on our Forms Page.
4. Participate in an initial meeting. Initial intake interviews are scheduled for 1 hour and involve meeting with a Disability Services Specialist to discuss accommodations. The initial intake interview will include a discussion around the emotional support animal as it relates to the impairment, condition, and or disability and a review/signing of policy forms.
5. Monitor George Mason email for receipt of the Housing Committee’s decision on your request. Following the intake interview, your request will be reviewed by a Housing Committee that consists of Disability Services, Housing and Residence Life, Student Health Services, and Counseling and Psychological Services. Following the Committee’s review of documentation, a Disability Services staff member will reach out to share the outcome of the review.
Meal Plan Requests Process
In an effort to effectively respond to student requests for meal plan modifications and accommodations, George Mason University has created the Meal Plan Committee. Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis and is reviewed by the Meal Plan Committee where staff from Disability Services consult with the Campus Dietitian.
Any documentation submitted to support a request should be current and relevant and be from an appropriate professional that describes the current functional impact of the condition or disability as it relates to a meal plan modification or accommodation requested. The Meal Plan Committee will discuss reasonable modifications or accommodations based on student self-report and observations and interactions during an initial Disability Services meeting. Documentation may be requested from a diagnosing/treating healthcare provider/professional.
Mason reserves the right to request additional documentation if the information submitted appears to be outdated, inadequate in scope or content, does not address current level of functioning, or does not substantiate a need for modifications or accommodations. Disability Services will make a determination following The Meal Plan Committee’s review of student requests. Disability Services will contact students directly via their Mason email account to communicate that determination. Students who are not satisfied with the outcome of their meal plan accommodation request are encouraged to review the Disability Services Grievance Process.
1. Complete and submit a Disability Services Intake Form. The intake form is available for completion on our Forms Page. It can be submitted in person or electronically.
2. Complete the Meal Plan Request Form. Review and complete the Meal Plan Request Form which can be found on our Forms Page.
3. Participate in an initial meeting. These meetings are scheduled for 1 hour and involve meeting with a Disability Services Specialist to discuss accommodations. The meeting will include a discussion around the impairment, condition, and/or disability as it relates to dining and a review/signing of policy forms.
4. Meet with Mason’s Campus Dietitian. The campus dietician will work through your individual situation/concerns to determine if/how the university can accommodate you in the dining halls. More information found here at Meet The Dietician.
5. Monitor George Mason email for receipt of the final decision on your request from Disability Services.