Disability Services


Contact Disability Services to discuss possible accommodations (e.g., classroom furniture, location to retake exam) if you need assistance with a pregnancy-related condition. If your pregnancy and delivery are relatively healthy, normal, and uncomplicated and you have additional concerns, it is recommended that you speak with your professor to make appropriate arrangements. Pregnancy is a protected right under Title IX. Contact the Title IX Coordinator in the office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for additional support. 

Below we have included a list of all lactation resources/locations on the university campuses.


Johnson Center, Ground Floor Ladies Room
Check-in at the JC Info Desk for key code to enter (code changes seasonally)
Available all hours the building is open

Merten Hall, 4th floor Human Resources & Payroll Office
Call 3-2600 or 3-2604 to schedule
Available M-F, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Nguyen Engineering Building
Contact the Life/Work Connections team at 3-2600 to arrange

SUB I, Room 1004
Check-in at the Enrollment Central Service Desk for key
Available M-F, 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Peterson Hall, Room 2414a. Available 7:00am-11:00pm every day.


Founder’s Hall, Room 323A

Available all hours the building is open. If locked, call Police and Public Safety (3-2810) for access

Science and Technology

Student Health 2nd Floor Occoquan Building

Available Fall and Spring semesters Monday, Wednesday, 9:00am-4:30pm and Thursday 11:00am-6:30pm