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Eligibility For Services
Eligibility for Services and Documentation Guidelines
Disability Services ensures equal access to George Mason University’s programs and services for qualified students with disabilities. A qualified student with a disability is a student with a disability who meets the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the university’s education program and services. As defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a person has a disability if they:
- have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual;
- have a record of such an impairment; or
- are regarded as having such an impairment.
In order to determine eligibility for services and fully evaluate requests for accommodations or auxiliary aids, Disability Services may request reasonable and current documentation of the reported impairment, condition, and/or disability.
Registering with Disability Services is an interactive process that involves student self-report and a Disability Services Specialist’s observation and interaction. Documentation may be requested from external sources (e.g., documentation from a healthcare provider). To begin the process, complete and submit the Disability Services Student Self-Identification Form and submit any current documentation related to the impairment, condition, and/or disability that you have and think is appropriate. In the event that you do not have documentation, contact Disability Services to discuss next steps.
Documentation – Disability Services collaborates with students to provide reasonable accommodations that are individualized and based on current documentation, current functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of needs. Criteria for the source, scope, and content of documentation varies with each individual situation. Helpful information may include medical documentation, evaluations (e.g., psychological, psychoeducational, neuropsychological, educational), or a detailed assessment from a diagnosing/treating healthcare provider.
Documentation should include:
- Credentials of evaluator or licensed professional in the field related to specific diagnosis or impairment, on official letterhead with contact information.
- Diagnostic information that identifies the impairment, condition, and/or disability, and provides information about the current functional impact on the student’s ability to participate in academics, programs, and services.
- Details regarding typical progression or prognosis of the condition.
- A description of the diagnostic methodology used (e.g., criteria, methods, procedures, clinical narrative, observation, specific results).
- Any description of current and past accommodations, services, medications, auxiliary aids, assistive devices, and support services that are logically related to functional limitations.
Disability Services created The Disability Determination Form in an effort to make the process of securing documentation from healthcare providers more efficient. The form includes guiding questions about a student’s impairment, condition, and/or disability and its impact on current functional limitations. This form is not required if you have other documentation consistent with the guidelines above. Contact Disability Services with any questions about documentation.
Other universities and companies that administer entrance/qualifying exams (e.g., ETS, GRE, LSAT) may require more extensive documentation if you are seeking accommodations similar to those you have in place at George Mason. Research other universities’ and companies’ requirements well in advance of requesting accommodations.
The Registration Process
Initial Process of Requesting Accommodations
Disability Services collaborates with students with impairments, conditions and/or disabilities to provide reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services that are individualized and based on a person-to-person meeting, an assessment of barriers, and documentation.
Once the Student Self-Identification Form and any available documentation are submitted, Disability Services will review these materials within 10 business days. Following this review, Disability Services will contact the student via GMU email (when available) either to request additional information or to schedule the initial meeting.
Students can complete the registration process at any point in their academic career.
To request accommodations, students need to complete the following process:
1. Complete and submit a Disability Services Student Self-Identification Form. This form can be submitted in person or electronically.
2. Submit any impairment/condition/disability documentation you have and think is appropriate. In the event that you do not have documentation, contact Disability Services to discuss the next steps.
3. Visit Housing, Meal Plan, or ESA for additional information related to these accommodation requests.
4. Participate in the initial meeting. These meetings are scheduled for 1 hour and involve meeting with a Disability Services Specialist to discuss accommodations. The meeting will include: a discussion, establishment of reasonable accommodations, review and signing of policy forms, and provision of faculty contact sheets (if appropriate).
5. Distribute Academic Accommodation Letters (AAL) to instructors to activate academic accommodations.
Renewing/Updating Accommodations
Students do not need to re-establish accommodations as the accommodations a student receives are in place for their entire academic career at George Mason University.
If the student does not need to change any of their accommodations:
1. If accommodations were previously established the student will only need to submit a Academic Accommodation Letter Request (AAL).
2. The Disability Services team will create these AAL and email them directly to the student.
3. Once the student receives their AAL it is their responsibility to distribute them to their instructors.
4. The instructors should follow the accommodations listed on the AAL.
5. If any issues arise the student should contact their Disability Services Specialist immediately.
If the student wants to discuss or change accommodations:
1. The student will need to email their Specialist directly to schedule an appointment to discuss changes.
2. The student and Specialist will meet and discuss changes to accommodations. Depending on the requested changes, the Specialist may request supporting documentation before implementing a change in accommodations.
3. The Specialist will either generate new AAL for the student or have the student submit a new AAL request form.
4. The student gives their new AAL to their instructors.
5. The instructors should follow the accommodations listed on the AAL.
6. If any issues arise the student should contact their Disability Services Specialist immediately.
If you have any questions about the accommodations process or would like to schedule an appointment with an accommodations Specialist contact Disability Services at 703.993.2474 or email the office at
Additional Information
Once students submit all documentation to begin the registration process, a Disability Services Specialist will review their completed file. Upon review, they will then reach out to students via their GMU email address to schedule the initial meeting. Students can complete the registration process at any point in their academic career.
The video to the right provides a guided walk-through of the above registration process.
For Mason Korea Campus – contact Joanna Park, Senior Coordinator for Student Care and Conduct. Phone: +82-32-626-5071 | Fax: +82-32-626-5400 | Email: Visit the Mason Korea Academic Affairs website for more details.